Related resources

CARPHA community of practice

Discussion forum - (to come)

Sources of data relevant to Caribbean countries

Sources of other types of information

PAHO IRIS - Institutional Repository Information Sharing
WHO IRIS - Institutional Repository Information Sharing

Sources of pre-appraised global research evidence

ACCESSSS - for all types of studies and systematic reviews about clinical programs and services and about drugs
Health Evidence - for systematic reviews of the effects of public health interventions
Health Systems Evidence - for systematic reviews, economic evaluations and other types of evidence related to strengthening health systems and getting cost-effective programs, services and drugs to those who need them (also available in French)
McMaster Optimal Aging Portal - (combines 1-3 for topics related to aging)

Tools and resources that can support evidence-informed decision-making

SUPPORT tools - (also available in French)

Training materials that can support evidence-informed decision-making