The EvIDeNCe Portal is a continuously updated repository of research, syntheses and Caribbean policy-relevant documents. The Portal includes clinical, population health and health systems research but excludes basic/biomedical research. The types of syntheses included are evidence briefs for policy, rapid syntheses, overviews of systematic reviews, systematic reviews and economic evaluations. The policy relevant documents originate from the CARPHA, CARPHA Member States and the World Health Organization. The EvIDeNCe portal also includes a guided overview of sources of Caribbean data, pre-appraised research evidence and other types of information, tools, resources and training material to support evidence-informed decision-making.
How to search it
The video (to come) provides a brief tutorial about how to use the portal.
Who is behind the EvIDeNCe portal?
The EvIDeNCe Portal is built on the followingresources BIREME’s Virtual Health Library, which provides both a very powerful search engine and a remarkably diverse array of published and grey literature. MedCarib’s interface for uploading published and grey literature to a database already contained in BIREME’s Virtual Health Library (which includes all literature on which a Caribbean researcher is involved as an author).
The EvIDeNCe portal acknowledges the contribution of the following groups to its development: